



About Us

Created to Soar Ministries was founded in early 2019 by Anne Donaldson following a number of prophetic words.

(Registered Charity No 1208361)

Created to Soar Ministries facilitates connections between our ongoing ministry either with local churches or opportunities to partner with others across the world. It is an apostolic, Spirit led ministry working alongside other leaders, joining them in shared vision for God's Kingdom. Through multiple unique expressions, Created to Soar Ministries helps to equip the church through promoting Biblical understanding, building up, nurturing, encouraging and investing in leaders.

Equip – Build – Nurture – Encourage – Invest

Created to Soar Ministries is underpinned by prayer, and passionately believes that God has created us to display, portray and carry His Glory; that as a people, the Church on Earth needs to awaken and arise into its calling to be His witness and the image of Him to the, as yet, unbelieving society in which we live.

In order to be those who live gloriously, we have to understand our true identity, and who God is for us. We believe that as Christians what we say and do should line up with what we believe; that our total lifestyle be in alignment with God's Spirit within, and be the people who carry God's presence.

Prayer – Passion –Identity - Arise – Portray – Presence

Ministry Partners

FACT (Future After Childhood Trauma) – Mutai, Jinja, Uganda

At FACT each child has experienced some childhood trauma, such as being abandoned, found by police wandering and fending for themselves, orphaned when a mother or grandmother dies, whatever the circumstances each child has dire needs. The vision of providing a place they can call home, is the vision of Director, Paul Tenwya.

Teenage Mother Project – Freedom Christian Centre, Kampala, Uganda

This project began in 2020 when Pastor Richard and his wife, Imelda, saw the impact of COVID in their community for young pregnant and nursing mothers, many of them were 16 years and under.  Nearly all were abandoned by the fathers of the babies or rejected by parents and community.

Kamuli Education Project – Kamuli, Uganda

This is a project training those who left education early or were never given the opportunity to go to school.  Students can enrol on a course to learn a skill that will provide them with sufficient knowledge to start their own business and become self-sufficient. We pay the monthly salary of one of the ten teachers who is also a pastor and in addition to teaching baking skills, leads worship, bible study and prayer with the students each week.

Cephas Leadership Foundation – Mukono, Uganda

This organisation supports Christian pastors and leaders through pastoral and professional coaching, counselling and training with a vision to motivate pastors and leaders to become more effective, relevant, organised and resourceful








Contact Us

Created to Soar Ministries with Anne Donaldson Created to Soar Ministries is a registered recipient with Stewardship, who have set up a support fund for the ministry. You can support us by making gifts to Stewardship for our fund by clicking here. Where applicable, the value of your gifts may be increased by use of Gift Aid (worth 25% if you are a UK taxpayer)



For more information, or to enquire about booking Anne to speak, you can contact her on 07964775701 or fill out the contact form above

Enquiry Form